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Thursday 23.05.2024

Housing webinar with Mira

Join this webinar and get a step closer to obtaining a mortgage and buying a property in the Netherlands.

Starting 13.05 Online

What can you expect from Expat Mortgages Webinar?

We open our digital doors at 13.00 and start at 13.05 with a short presentation, covering the basic steps of buying a house and obtaining a mortgage. We start by answering questions regarding eligibility and what the banks look at when applying for a loan. We also look at different mortgage options, giving you a couple of simple formulas to calculate the maximum borrowing capacity and monthly costs.

We further talk about the importance of buying agents, independent notaries and tax advisors. After a 30-40 min presentation, we look at all individual questions and answer them live. The workshop ends around 14.15 -14.30 and if you still have any remaining questions you will be given the opportunity to schedule a new meeting.

Mira Makkinje
Mira Makkinje was born and raised in Huizen, a town right between Amsterdam and Utrecht. The area Dutch locals refer to as “Het Gooi”. A beautiful place for running and cycling in the woods, which is what she likes to do when not working. But with 3 teenage kids, a dog and a cat there is not a lot of spare time. She has worked in the financial sector for over 20 years and joined Expat Mortgages more than 4 years ago.
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