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Our dedicated and personal approach to housing is unique. Just like our team.

We guide expats to a warm home

Our ambition is to be the best employer with the smartest and most personal mortgage solutions for internationals in the Netherlands. Part of this is creating a high-quality and groundbreaking environment. Will you join us on our mission?

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Amanda Fernandes

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Belinda Van Staden

Customer Success Team
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Brigitte Bauer

Working Students
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Britta Verkooijen

Customer Success Team
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Bryan Huvelin

Working Students
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Cedrick Jonker

Working Students
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Cheho Man

Working Students
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Chloée Huvelin

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Daniëlle de Horde

Management, Mortgage Administration
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David Ocampo

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David Toonen

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Debby Jansen

Mortgage Administration
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Elisa Wegman

Working Students
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Elitsa Zalevska

Customer Success Team, Management
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Fred van Maanen

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Friso Bothof

Working Students
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Gerard Bruintjes

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Hamza Amer

Management, People and Culture
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Hannelot van der Bend

People and Culture
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Henk Jansen

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Iari Gonlag Perez

Working Students
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Jesse Koopmans

Working Students
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Jinne Boer

Working Students
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Joey van den Nouweland

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Johanna Cimon

Customer Success Team
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Joost van den Elsakker

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Joyce Wassenaar-Pepping

Mortgage Administration
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Juan de Goeij

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Kenneth Leenders

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Kirsten van der Weijden

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Lars Harren

Mortgage Administration
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Laurens Smithjes

Working Students
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Matthijs van der Heijden

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Mira Makkinje

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Nadine van der Knijff

Mortgage Administration
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Pepijn Borremans

Working Students
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Ralf van Arkel

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Rayon Aquino

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Ricardo Huisman

IT, Management
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Richardo Cruz Fortes

Consultants, Management
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Ronald Vlaar

Working Students
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Roy Bijkerk

Consultants, Management
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Roy Jansen

Working Students
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Roy Schreurs

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Safraaz Sardha

Customer Success Team, Working Students
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Simon Bosschieter

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Suze van Bergen

Working Students
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Sven Leenards

Mortgage Administration
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Thomas van den Bosch

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Valeriia Maliuta

Customer Success Team
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Wouter Hofstee Holtrop

Consultants, Management
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Yasmine Sardha

Working Students
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